The Autonomous Framework Agreement on Digitalisation is the shared commitment of the European cross-sectoral social partners to optimise the benefits and deal with the challenges of digitalisation in the world of work.

The framework agreement aims to:

  • Raise awareness and improve understanding of employers, workers and their representatives of the opportunities and challenges in the world of work resulting from the digital transformation;
  • Provide an action-oriented framework to encourage, guide and assist employers, workers and their representatives in devising measures and actions aimed at reaping these opportunities and dealing with the challenges, whilst taking into account existing initiatives, practices and collective agreements;
  • Encourage a partnership approach between employers, workers and their representatives;
  • Support development of a human-oriented approach to integration of digital technology in the world of work, to support/assist workers and enhance productivity;

As multiple topics and relevant workplace elements should be taken into account, the Autonomous Framework Agreement on digitalisation is based on a jointly managed dynamic circular process, which is visualised by the below figure, as well as concrete approaches, actions and measures.

About us

ETUC, BusinessEurope, SGI Europe and SMEunited are the European social partner organisations at cross-industry level. They work together in the framework of Integrated Projects of the European Social Dialogue to promote and reinforce the link between social dialogue at national and European level, as well as to address emerging issues which are of joint relevance. This website was developed in the framework of one of those projects.

What’s new


This video will show you how to use the tools developed in the framework of the project to support the implementation of the autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation.


According to the European Autonomous Framework Agreement on Digitalisation of 26 June 2020, the implementation and follow-up of the agreement will be carried out by the member organisations within three years after the date of signature. A full report will be prepared by the Social Dialogue Committee and adopted by the European social partners in 2024. The final implementation report will be made available here upon adoption.