About the project

The European social partners BusinessEurope, SGI Europe, SMEunited and the ETUC (the European Trade Union Confederation), have jointly decided, as part of the integrated Projects of the EU social dialogue, to conduct a project to support the implementation of their autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation (the “digitalisation agreement”).

The digitalisation agreement was signed in 2020 and the implementation period lasts three years. This website is one of the tools developed in the framework of the project to support the implementation of the agreement. It supports national social partners who implement the agreement by presenting the text of the agreement and providing a repository of examples for its implementation. This website will run alongside, and support, the implementation process outlined in the agreement.

This project is supported by funding from the European Union.

For more information on European Social Dialogue, including other agreements and projects, please visit the resource centre websites:



The ETUC is the voice of workers and represents 45 million members from 93 trade union organisations in 41 European countries, plus 10 European Trade Union Federations. The ETUC represents workers in the European cross-industry social dialogue. Its aim is to ensure that the EU is not just a single market for goods and services, but also a Social Europe, where improving the wellbeing of workers and their families is an equally important priority.



BusinessEurope is the leading advocate for growth and competitiveness at European level, standing up for companies across the continent and campaigning on the issues that most influence their performance. A recognised social partner, we speak for all-sized enterprises in 36 European countries whose national business federations are our direct members.


SGI Europe

SGI Europe

SGI Europe is one of the general cross-industry EU Social Partners. It gathers public and private employers and providers of services of general interest and public services from across Europe. SGI Europe members contribute more than 26% of the EU GDP and employ 30% of the EU workforce.



SMEunited is the association of crafts and SMEs in Europe with around 70 member organisations from over 30 European countries. SMEunited is a recognised employers’ organisation and European Social Partner and acts on behalf of crafts and SMEs in the European Social Dialogue and in discussions with the EU institutions.

Bd du Jardin Botanique, 20
B-1000 Brussels
+32 (0) 475 60 15 01

Av. de Cortenbergh, 168
B-1000 Brussels
+32 2 237 65 11

SGI Europe
Rue des Deux Eglises, 26
B-1000 Brussels
+32 2 219 27 98

Rue Jacques de Lalaingstraat, 4
B-1040 Brussels
+32 2 230 75 99